Elliot Thorpe - Horror Addicts

Horror Addicts Episode# 174
SEASON 14 “We’re Cursed, Again!!!”
Horror Hostess: Emerian Rich
Intro Music by: Valentine Wolfe


Alloa Tower

elliot thorpe | sinthetik messiah | witches a century of murder


Find all articles and interviews at: http://www.horroraddicts.net


40 days till halloween

*terror trax: sinthetik messiah, hellraiser

*catchup: evil laugh training, window shopping for halloween stuff, pumpkin, cinnamon, home depot, pirate ship skeleton dude, halloween decor, halloween maze, costume ideas, martha stewart living october, costume ideas, decor ideas, rats, eyeballs, gourds, fall tv preview, ahs 1984, zombieland 2, double tap, good place, liz phair, best band poll vote here: http://poll.fm/66yxd, bands: i-def-i, spaulding, ornamenti d'oro, the barbarellatones, protea, hormones, harry husbands, valentine wolfe, the creptter children, lords of october, sinthetik messiah, stagefright.

*cursed place: alloa tower, russell

*darkvein manor: by emerian rich with cleo de milo concept by e.m. markoff, rish outfield-ives, kadirah wade-hazel, pete lutz-jay and henry, emerian rich-clara and cleo, naching t. kassa- dr. francistein, james seo-heath,  kirk warrington-fabio, theme music-valentine wolf

*ghastly games: friday the 13th killer puzzle, daphne, township halloween decorations

*odds and dead ends: dr. jekyll and mr hyde, robert lewis stevenson, kieran

*frightening flix: kbatz, witches a century of murder , kbatz krafts, black topiaries, tombstone making

*live action reviews: crystal, el habitante

*the bigfoot files: abominable, lionel

*GB: the drain by joan mchugh

*dead mail: 

***nama: tank girl remake? margot robbie, 1995 movie

***joe: the stand, alexander skarsgard, michael crawford, phantom, jeffery dean morgan, neegan,  whoopi, james marsters 

***kim: practical magic, woman tries to murder husband with belladonna


email us: horroraddicts@gmail.com

*news: my darling dead: jesse, dark divinations, death parade film fest, he roulo plague master rebel infection, lilmonsters, tcm halloween schedule, orlandos universal studios treats 




*book review: reviewed by ariel dawintre, a winter sleep, greg f. gifune

*chilling chat: naching, elliot thorpe

*story: the accursed forest, a tale of the bloodkind, read by emerian rich with voices by kirk warrington and dj pitsiladis


Write in re: ideas, questions, opinions, horror cartoons, favorite movies, etc...


h o s t e s s

Emerian Rich

h e a d  o f p u b l i s h i n g

Naching T. Kassa

p u b l i s h i n g  p. a.

Cedar George

b l o g  e d i t o r


s t a f f

KBatz (Kristin Battestella), Daphne Strasert, Jesse Orr, Russell Holbrook, Lionel Green, Keiran Judge, Crystal Connor, Nightshade, Courtney Mroch

Want to be a part of the HA staff? Email horroraddicts@gmail.com

b l o g  / c o n t a c t / s h o w . n o t e s


t h e  b e l f r y  a p p 



The Count

I have been a part of the goth subculture since I was 16. I am the owner and creator of The Requiem Podcast which has been around since early 2008 and also podcast award nominee Cemetery Confessions. I am also known as DJ Count. I am married, and a father to a beautiful baby bat named Link.