h o r r o r . a d d i c t s: people who are physiologically or psychologically dependent on items depicting macabre events.
The cast in the beginning was small. The host of the show, Emz, didn't have any staff and was doing it all on her own. She did what she could with the limited resources she possessed, thinking maybe someday like-minded people would join her. Soon after Season one, the listeners started making the show their own, by writing in, asking for content and volunteering to be on staff. That was when Emz realized that this thing she had created was not her own. It was a large snowball, started at the top of the hill, which was about to bowl her over!
And snowball it did! With every listener, author, staff member, HorrorAddicts.net has grown. What was at first a small podcast with a little Ning group forum has now become HorrorAddicts.net, podcast, blog, and publisher, with nine staff, a handful of reviewers, and thousands of fans across the globe.
Horror Band Throwdown | Scary Black
GUESTS: Jack Mangan, Tara Vanflower, R.L. Merrill
Asian Poet Special | Super Nova
GUESTS: Angela Yuriko Smith, Lee Murray, Ai Jung, K.P. Kulski, Geneve Flynn
GUESTS: Mike Bennett, Penelope Flynn, Rish Outfield, Shannon Lawrence