H.E. Roulo - Horror Addicts

Horror Addicts Episode# 173
SEASON 14 “We’re Cursed, Again!!!”
Horror Hostess: Emerian Rich
Intro Music by: Valentine Wolfe


Chateau de Rocco Sparviera

h.e. roulo | i ya toyah | shiver of vampires


Find all articles and interviews at: http://www.horroraddicts.net


54 days till halloween

*terror trax: i ya toyah, puppet, strangers, psycho, hitchcock, david lynch

*catchup: halloween costumes, school starting, fall busy, costumes, what we do in the shadows, it crowd, vampires, halloween window shopping, fb group, join us to window shop, variety, practical magic, hbo max, alice hoffman, let's have a sequel, sandra bullock, nicole kidman

*cursed place: chateau de rocco sparviera, water, earthquakes, plague, cannibalism

***link: https://www.terresetpierresdazur.com/rocca-sparviera (in French. Use computer translator)

*darkvein manor: by emerian rich with cleo de milo concept by e.m. markoff, rish outfield-ives, kadirah wade-hazel, pete lutz-jay and henry, emerian rich-clara and cleo, naching t. kassa- dr. francistein, james seo-heath,  theme music-valentine wolf

*ghastly games: emz, castlevania, los, 2d

*frightening flix: kbatz, shiver of vampires, kbatz krafts, candle clusters, crafting

*live action reviews: crystal, pengabdi setan (satan’s slaves), violence voyager

*plague master: rebel infection promo, prize offer, email your favorite zombie flick to horroraddicts@gmail.com , 29 days later, excerpts, youtube mini-series, zombies in space, 5 questions with loren rhoads

*dead mail: 

***deedee: goth unhappy meals, mcdonalds, satire,  daily squat, onion, goth restaurant

***cid: favorite vampire in night’s knights, jespa

***sally: martin, emz favorite? backgrounds?  characters, markham, sam kellerman

***pamela: cruella, emma stone, glamour

email us: horroraddicts@gmail.com

*news: my darling dead: jesse, dark divinations, dark horizon, orlando’s newest haunt, free fiction by kay tracy, indican, perfect skin, neil gaiman’s death animated, jamie chung, haunting of hill house season 2, henry james, turn of the screw,  food network halloween schedule

*book review: s.d. vasallo reviews predators by michealbrent collings

*chilling chat: naching, h.e. roulo

*story: PM2: rebel infection voiced by h.e. roulo


Write in re: ideas, questions, opinions, horror cartoons, favorite movies, etc...


h o s t e s s

Emerian Rich

h e a d  o f p u b l i s h i n g

Naching T. Kassa

p u b l i s h i n g  p. a.

Cedar George

b l o g  e d i t o r


s t a f f

KBatz (Kristin Battestella), Daphne Strasert, Jesse Orr, Russell Holbrook, Lionel Green, Keiran Judge, Crystal Connor, Nightshade, Courtney Mroch

Want to be a part of the HA staff? Email horroraddicts@gmail.com

b l o g  / c o n t a c t / s h o w . n o t e s


t h e  b e l f r y  a p p 



The Count

I have been a part of the goth subculture since I was 16. I am the owner and creator of The Requiem Podcast which has been around since early 2008 and also podcast award nominee Cemetery Confessions. I am also known as DJ Count. I am married, and a father to a beautiful baby bat named Link.