Talking about Permaculture with William Faith - Cat vs. Bat
/No, not an episode about Mistress McCutchan's favourite colour! Since we've discussed goth being inherently political - coming from punk roots - we wanted to put together an episode to discuss a crucial topic, The Environment. We speak about permaculture with punk/goth musician William Faith and have a tonne of green resources for you. You don't have to wear Birkenstocks and hemp to care about the environment
Permaculture One: A Perennial Agricultural System for Human Settlements, David Holmgren
Introduction to Permaculture, Bill Mollison
Permaculture a Beginner's Guide, Graham Burnett
Permaculture in a Nutshell, Patrick Whitefield
Permaculture, A Designer's Manual, Bill Mollison
Hope in a Changing Climate, John Liu