Clan of Xymox - GothCast

Dr.Sanders and Bryan examine the first four albums from Clan of Xymox. This band has a sound as unique as the fact that their name keeps changing, but the duo will see just how well their releases hold up today.

9:36 Clan of Xymox [1985]
23:43 Random Interesting Goth Stuff
37:11 Medusa [1986]
48:01 Twist of Shadows [1989]
1:02:41 Phoenix [1991]


The Count

I have been a part of the goth subculture since I was 16. I am the owner and creator of The Requiem Podcast which has been around since early 2008 and also podcast award nominee Cemetery Confessions. I am also known as DJ Count. I am married, and a father to a beautiful baby bat named Link.