The Gothquisition 4

Prepare your batholes, the Gothquisition has returned to judge the internet for its sins! YouTubers named and shamed, Rebels Market put on blast and all your favorite icons cut down to size. The Inquisitors also compete to decide who knows the most about true cvlt goth music! Goth Points are earned and lost, pastel goths are tarred and feathered, and gatekeepers are put back on the pedestal. Grab your parasols; the shit is about to hit ye olde fan!

Our Gothquisitioners are as follows: (in order of photo)
Zakkarrii, Master Seamstress
Andi, Royal Scribe
Count, Grand Inquisitioner
Dani, Royal Minstrel
Jez, Supreme Persecutor of Heretics
Michelle, Queen
Joe, Court Jester and Bridge Troll


The Count

I have been a part of the goth subculture since I was 16. I am the owner and creator of The Requiem Podcast which has been around since early 2008 and also podcast award nominee Cemetery Confessions. I am also known as DJ Count. I am married, and a father to a beautiful baby bat named Link.