Post Punk Party 2 - The Requiem

1 - A Sleeping Centipede Presence - Feeding Fingers
2 - Velvet - Eagulls
3 - Perfect Skin - Death Bells
4 - Panic: Paranoia - Masquerade
5 - Spaces - Annex
6 - The Sign - Totenwald
7 - Veil of Death - Altar de Fey
8 - Measured Time - MOTH
9 - Dead Music for the Living - Dead Born Babies
10 - Bitten - The Kentucky Vampires
11 - A Quiet Life - Winter Severity Index
12 - Alone in your Dance - Ash Code
13 - Ancient Youth - Double Echo
14 - Mueren - Zotz
15 - Demons - Altar de Fey
16 - Technicolor Haze - Arctic Flowers
17 - Cry Like Birds - Masquerade
18 - Hallow - Drab Majesty
19 - Heretic - Traitrs


The Count

I have been a part of the goth subculture since I was 16. I am the owner and creator of The Requiem Podcast which has been around since early 2008 and also podcast award nominee Cemetery Confessions. I am also known as DJ Count. I am married, and a father to a beautiful baby bat named Link.