Aging in Youth Culture - Cemetery Confessions

Welcome to episode 31 of Cemetery Confessions! On this month’s episode we are talking about the lineage of deathrock music, the controversy over cemeteries at Whitby Goth Weekend, and we are sitting down for a chat with several lovely ladies about aging in the goth scene and what that looks like from a cultural and individual perspective.

Our guests this month are Jez, Elizabeth, and Christine.

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The History of Deathrock 5:05
Grave Controversy at WGW 35:45
        -Is There One Right way to Mourn?
        -90's goths disrespecting cemeteries
Interview With the Vampire Reboot 50:31

Philosophy Corner: 57:22

This month, as you know, we are talking about ageing in spectacular youth culture. Over time there have been a growing number of academics researching and studying the aging demographic of subcultures, and as someone who intends to grow old as a goth, and respects my elders, I thought it was high time we sat down with some seasoned goths to explore their involvement and identity in the goth culture.

Aging and Youth Culture: Music, Style, and Identity
Youth Cultures and the Rest of Life: Subcultures, Post-Subcultures and Beyond
Family and Parenting in an Ageing ‘Youth’ Culture: A Collective Embrace of Dominant Adulthood
Spectacular Youth Cultures and Ageing: Beyond Refusing to Grow Up
Ageing in a Spectacular Youth Culture: Continuity, Change and Community in the Goth Scene

Voicemail from Joe 2:35:40

Sinister Suggestions: 2:43:20

Blutengel: The Great Debate

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The Count

I have been a part of the goth subculture since I was 16. I am the owner and creator of The Requiem Podcast which has been around since early 2008 and also podcast award nominee Cemetery Confessions. I am also known as DJ Count. I am married, and a father to a beautiful baby bat named Link.