The Hinterkaifeck Murders - Morbid Curiosity

The Hinterkaifeck Murders - Morbid Curiosity

On March 31, 1922, an entire family and their maid were murdered in their home, an isolated farmstead in Bavaria, Germany, known as Hinterkaifeck. The killer has never been discovered, and a web of mystery has been woven around the incident since it occurred. In this episode we discuss the case, the suspects, and try to separate fact from fiction.

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The Hurtling Bones, The Graveyard Scene - Born in the Batcave

The Hurtling Bones, The Graveyard Scene - Born in the Batcave

The wildest year of our simmering heroes' saga of heartache, triumph and disaster arrives. Simon finds himself in the forest of the London night, partying, protesting and writing essays under the influence. Nick plays a showcase gig in Covent Garden, hoping for every talent scout and A&R man in town to beg Felo de Se to sign with their label.

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