Procession Magazine - Cemetery Confessions
Grab the new Cemetery Confessions shirt here while it’s available!
This month we chat with Chris of Procession Magazine about the history and relevance of subcultural micro-media, the importance of music to goth, swap stories about how label compilations have impacted our lives and more! We’ll be reviewing the new album from Har Belex, sharing a smattering of new music releases from April and presenting a goth magazine audiodrama!
Check out Procession Magazine on their website!
History of Procession 8:00
Importance of Print Magazines Today 19:15
Cleopatra Records 38:10
Goth vs. Not Goth 49:00
Building a Magazine 59:00
Procession in the 80’s? 1:02:55
What would you change about goth? What excites you about goth? 1:15:30
Album Review 1:19:00
Campo de Urnas - Har Belex
Sinister Suggestions: 1:42:00
-Pan’s Not Dead - The Flower of Love
-DOMIN8 - Male Tears
-Nothing Left (Homeless Demo) - Cemetery Siren
-Sympathy Garden - Forever Grey
-Costo Humana - Puerta Negra Musica
-Bloody Ghost - Cliff and Ivy
-Escarta Descarto - DGA 95
-Ashtray Ballet - Astari Nite
-Rough Dimension - VR Sex
-Freddo Razionale - SPZkr
-Sedate Seduce - Nino Sable
-Barricades - Principe Valiente
Gotham with Ryan of Witchhands 1:58:41
The Tao of Goth 2:11:30
Grab the new Cemetery Confessions shirt here while it’s available!
-Our Interview with Fred Berger